#THIF - Thank Holmes It's Friday 2023 - Week 2

Posted by Steve Emecz on

Week 2 - Thank Holmes It's Friday 2023

We continue our quest to give away hundreds of Sherlock Holmes audiocodes each week and this week it's four from the catalogue. 


There are two campaigns running;

Sherlock Holmes and The Unmasking of the Whitechapel Horror - Holmes, Watson and Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline solve the unmasking, arrest, trial and execution of the real Jack The Ripper.

Holmes and Co - Books 4-6 (from eighteen) - Irene Holmes, Sherlock's daughter, continues the tradition as a detective.


Free Audiobooks

Please use the contact us form, quote #THIF 2-2023 and let us know which country you are from. Please only ask for books you don't already have. 


Sherlock Holmes: Remarkable Power of Stimulus

Remarkable Power of Stimulus is the sequel to These Scattered HousesSherlock Holmes returns to London after three years away. Traveling from New York to Liverpool he faces death-defying challenges. He finds his city in the grip of a mass murderer and No. 221B Baker Street under siege. He reforms his partnership with Dr. John H. Watson in "The Adventure of the Empty House". Miss Rachel Marcello and other characters from These Scattered Houses, a new young Inspector Chandra Das, the Baker Street Irregulars, and the usual London crew, plus a few surprises, have their parts to play.

We discover what Watson did during Holmes time away and how it made him even more the partner of Sherlock Holmes. Their solving of the heinous crimes involves these two gentlemen hurtling through the city, on both sides of the Thames, and to Oxford, in a dangerous chain of events better left unsaid.

(if you don't have book 1, Scattered Houses please let us know) 


The Case of the Russian Chessboard

Late on a foggy November afternoon, a desperate young woman arrives at Baker Street, imploring Sherlock Holmes to help her. She is terrified about what may be going on inside a secretive London refuge for Russian exiles, where her sister works. Thus begins a frightening case which deeply strains both Holmes and Watson because of the dreadful consequences of failure and the mystifying nature of the forces against them.

The case leads into strange territory. Into the circles of Victorian radicals and idealists, where early feminists and socialists rub shoulders with exiled foreign revolutionaries. To a utopian anarchist commune in the Essex wilderness, which imitates the Tolstoy farm communes in Russia. Deep into the very dark political world from which so many Russian exiles have fled. The trail leads on - to one shocking discovery after another, as Holmes unravels a conspiracy as evil and twisted as a labyrinth in hell.

Narrated by Dr. Watson, The Case of the Russian Chessboard respects Sherlock Holmes traditions and 1890s historical facts. Mingling mystery with gaslight, it offers a gripping, atmospheric and thought-provoking listen.


The Holmes Sutra - 160 Sherlock Holmes Sayings for his 160th Birthday

Sherlock Holmes, the best-known detective (sorry, consulting detective) on Earth, celebrated his 160th birthday on January 6, 2014. As a tribute to his genius, and to mark the occasion, The Holmes Sutra is presented (by a crazed fan) as: 

  1.  A compilation of 160 mantras (aphorisms/slogans/sayings - call them what you will) - some original, some canonical, some based on various print/media adaptations - that are aimed to make Sherlock Holmes (and his fans) smile.
  2.  A test of the readers' Holmes Mania Quotient (HMQ). Based on the resulting HMQ score, the particular condition/stage of Holmes Mania would be determined, with possibilities of a cure. 

Happy birthday, Sherlock - this is your birthday gift; hope you like it.


The Punishment of Sherlock Holmes

A collection of hundreds of Sherlock Holmes puns amassed over decades and stolen from a host of sources. The wordplay may be familiar, but the settings and characters are all original to the sources cited. The puns that have made it into the book are all Sherlockian narratives. Each is a tale describing events featuring Holmes characters, not simply a comment or an observation. We warn traditional Holmes fans up front, you will be annoyed and offended. If you are not, then the authors simply have not found your particular hangup - yet. Pick a number, they will get to you in a later edition.



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