News — sherlock holmes

Publishers Weekly reviews The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part XIII 2019 Annual (1881-1890)

Posted by Steve Emecz on

“This outstanding anthology focuses on the early years of the Baker Street duo’s partnership. Sherlockians with a soft spot for Nigel Bruce’s buffoonish portrayal of Dr. Watson will appreciate S.F. Bennett’s homage to the Basil Rathbone movie series, “The Case of the Enthusiastic Amateur,” one of the volume’s many high points. In Bennett’s tale, an old acquaintance asks Watson for help when he suspects that an investment failed because of fraud; the doctor decides to undertake the inquiry himself, with hilarious consequences. The author successfully emulates the playful byplay between Watson and Holmes in the service of a clever mystery...

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Out on Kindle

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Out on Kindle

The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories – Part XV In 2015, The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories burst upon the scene, featuring stories set within the canon’s correct time period, written by the very best of today’s Sherlockian authors from around the world. That first anthology, spread over three huge volumes, contained sixty-three stories and was the largest collection of its kind assembled at the time. Response was immediately and overwhelmingly positive, and soon there were calls from fans for additional collections.Over 150 contributors so far have joined together from around the world to produce well...

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The top 5 Sherlock Holmes audio books so far this month

Posted by Steve Emecz on

#1    In Pursuit of the Dead:  The Rediscovered Cases of Sherlock Holmes, Book 5 by Arthur Hall and Nick Crosby #2   The Demon of the Dusk: The Rediscovered Cases of Sherlock Holmes, Book 1 by Arthur Hall and Nick Crosby #2   The Druid of Death: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure by Richard T. Ryan and Nigel Peever #4    Murder in the Library by Felicia Carparelli and David Bufton #5   Scarlet Thread of Murder by Luke Kuhns and Joff Manning 176 books on the Sherlock Holmes Audio Books Pinterest Board

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Entrevista con Ana María Trigo Alonso

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¿Cuál fue la inspiración para tu pastiche “El secreto de la caja de sándalo”? Soy tasadora de arte y antigüedades. Un día, después de estar trabajando en una tasación especialmente difícil, me encontré con muchos de mis libros de arte desperdigados sobre mi escritorio. De entre todos ellos, destacaba uno de arte egipcio con un precioso escarabeo del Imperio Nuevo en la portada.  Pensé: “¿Y si su inscripción fuera la clave de un importante secreto?”. Y, entonces, de alguna manera, la historia surgió por sí misma y me encantó. ¿De qué trata la historia? ¿Cuándo y dónde tiene lugar? La...

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Book Review - The Celtic Phoenix: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure

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Book Review - The Celtic Phoenix: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure

“Kim Krisco has captured Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s style in his novels about the enigmatic Sherlock Holmes. Rarely does a figure continue to live past the original writer’s time, but Krisco has managed a way to keep Holmes alive — much to the delight of this fan. In The Celtic Phoenix, Krisco treats us to an in-depth look into the lives of the ancient Celts and their intriguing ways, while at the same time entwining Holmes and Watson into the thick of things. An excellent read — an excellent author.” Reviewed by Catherine J. Moser The Celtic Phoenix: A Sherlock...

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