First Review of ‘Benedict Cumberbatch in Transition - An Unauthorised Performance Biography’

Posted by Steve Emecz on

Új kép “Benedict Cumberbatch In Transition – An Unauthorised Biography. A Review. Can a simple title say it all? In this particular case, it can and it is a joy. Benedict’s career is indeed in transition at the present moment in time (when I’m writing we are just a few days ahead of the Star Trek Into Darkness Premiere in London) and, in less than four years,he has metamorphosed from a very talented BBC actor to a sought-after international star. If you expect a mere unauthorised biography here, you will be disappointed. As already thoroughly explained by Sherlockology and by the author herself in an interview with our page (see the link below), this book is an analytical and very detailed essay about his works. No matter if you are a “new-comer” or a long-term fan, you will find its contents intriguing. The book is certainly particularly appealing for its in-depth analysis of the “before Sherlock” career, focusing on Benedict’s theatre roles. Lynnette Porter has enriched each chapter with her own experiences and interviews obtained whilst going through theatre archives in London and meeting directors (using every possible source available); allowing the readers “to see” the performances through her eyes even if they haven’t actually seen them in reality. Praise must also be given for the unbiased approach to each project he has be involved in, both in the past and in the near future. Although it is undeniable that BBC Sherlock can be considered as a turning point in Benedict’s career, he is such an incredibly talented Thespian that each and every role he has portrayed has its own strength. In fact, it is always a source of great inspiration for fans and viewers to discover- through his own words - the reasons of his professional choices, the hard work to prepare for them and the efforts to avoid being typecast. Lynnette Porter is the author of 14 books, a cinema reviewer and university lecturer (as well as a devoted fan) and she embarked on this project with contagious enthusiasm and professionalism. MX Publishing is popular among Sherlockians for all its valuable Sherlock related titles to date. Benedict Cumberbatch In Transition will be released on 10th June. To know more you can follow these links:[where fans can ask questions about the book from the author] •[exclusive pre-publication copies for US fans (dispatched in May)] • [for UK fans] •[free delivery worldwide for fans outside UK and USA.] •Interview with the author: A review by EmanuelaBorgattaDunnett for”

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